Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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U.S. Genl Hospital, Hilton Head, S.C.May 22nd /65Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I told you in my last letter that I thought this one, would be dated for the north, but I cant get away from here until they send me & I dont see much sings of their doing that, although they keep telling about going in a day or two.

I was in hopes to have got an answer the first letter by this time but it dont come. I dont know as they will think enough of a soldier at Jacksonville Fla to remail a letter for him his nothing but one of them sick fellers, he will die before it reaches him, that is what about two thirds of these army bummers

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that have always had an easy time, would say, but no matter I will soon be free from them, perhaps you will think that I am getting discouraged but it is not so. I am not easy discouraged, if I was I should have died six months ago in Andersonville, Instead of that I am alive & in a fair way to get to Vt. again if the military will only act. I am getting to be pretty smart, got so that I am working a little just for my health, my work is in the dining room. I help set the table, clear it off & wipe dishes, this is the third day. I was in hopes, the other day of finding a relative here but I cant make it out so the Doctor told me his name was

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Sparrow, he asked me if my Father was an Englishman, & the wardmaster told me that the Dr. was a Canadian. I have seen some of the general orders about discharge the army. I suppose you have seen them all, any way I look for an end to my soldiering very soon & I guess you do.

I hope to be home by the middle of June. I wish I could hear from you it would do me so much good to hear that you are all well, & Irvin, & Eddy I suppose have grown so that I shant know them & Hiram & Curtis, are doing mens work & Albert is so big & fat that he has to stay in the shade hot days. Father & Mother I expect have

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grown old as much as ten years since I was taken prisoner but I hope not.

I dont think of any thing more now. I wish I was going the boat that this will day after tomorrow, the wardmaster says that I wont be here next sunday, but that is nothing but his opinion as soon as transportation can be had they will send me I expect, give my love to all our connexion & those that inquire after me. reserve a part for yourselves. I must close now for the flies are so thick, that they all over my face, & in my eyes & every where they can get, & I am in the library where there is no vituals to draw them too.

Yours Truly,Bradford P. Sparrow

