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I had a letter form Aunt Elisa the other day, she is at West Actos a Doctoring she is not very well now. I had a letter from Cousin Frances a day or two ago her health is not very good now the others are all well & all the rest of our relation the except Grandmother she is not very smart Frances says she has not heard from Vt for sometime. I should like to hear how that Town meeting come off or particularly about the bounty, to day I suppose you (Father) are attending Mr Heatons Auction. I think Curtis wrote a good Letter. I should think Olive had better be careful what kind of remarks she makes next time, but some folks always have so much confidence they dont think of their own faults. I should think the colt war getting pretty well broke

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Letter No. 28
the last time I was weighed I weighed 149 lbs I shall was about 6 weeks ago. I should Heiram & Eddie are making money pretty fast. I hope Curtis will get over his cold & not get the diptheria I some half sheets I thought I mgiht as well write on those as any, take as much money out of that $49.00 as you have paid out & for the butter

I suppose you will not want more than one more letter sent to Elmore any way I shant send but one more there unless you say so. I dont think of anything more now so I will close I have wrote this in a hurry so as to have it go today.

Yours TrulyBradford P. Sparrow

