Henry A. Smith to Family

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WashingtonDec 25Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers

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I suppose you will be very anxious to hear from me but you know I I have not had any time till to day I suppose you want to know about my journey we got here safe all but one fellow by the name of Hogan who got killed at Eagle bridge by falling off the train whe stoped in New York over sunday then we rode to the Ferry rode across in our saddles and after a long ride of 20 miles found our selves in a town by the name of Elisabeth town New Jersey where we took the cars and rode all night and the

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the next day about six o clock we got to Harrisburgh PA a very pretty place then crosed a bridge one mile long rode all night the next day got to Baltimore then started about night and got to W the next morning being 5 days on the way we are camped on a burying ground but are going of somewhere in a few days it rained here last night and to day making it very

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muddy we draw our rations now and have Bread meat rice Potatoes Coffee and Sugar. When we went through Broadway we saw many nice things and went past Barnums Museums sunday in New York three of us and our Orderly who used to be a Sailor went down to the wharf and saw some big Steamers and and Slips and went on to 5 gun boats I cant stop to write any more now

So good bye from your sonHenry A Smith