Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, October 15, 1875

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Strafford, Vt. Oct. 15, 1875
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.
My dear Sir: Glad to learn by
your favor of the 12, mailed yesterday,
that the Sumner bust proves acceptable.
It is now too late for me to spare
the time to meet with the Norwich Un.
Committee, and I regret it. I trust,
however, you will prudently bring the
matter round right. The original charter
must be looked at, and debt must be
avoided if possible.
I wish I was able to buy fifty

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of land near-by for you, but I am not
and probably never shall be. This would
stop the growling, and perhaps induce
the Legislature, to do what they have
not yet done--to aid us somewhat.
Fifty acres is enough--if of the right
sort--and some of the y Ag-
ricultural Colleges in Europe get
along with only fifteen acres. Is
there not any large-souled man
in the state who has sufficient
means to aid us and to do himself
a lasting honor?
I regret that I am now so busy
packing up, and fixing my premises
so as to absent after a week from

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Monday next, that I shall not be
able to be present at what I hope
will prove an important meeting of your
Very Sincerely yours
Justin S. Morrill

