About the CDI
Lesson Plans
Students in the University of Vermont’s Education class, EDEL 157: Social Education and Social Studies created lesson plans using CDI collections as their source material. The class was designed for pre-service teachers, and these young teachers gained experience designing social studies curricula for early-elementary aged students. Selected lesson plans have been posted here as teaching resources.
Questions about lesson plans or the social studies curricula project can be directed to: Dan DeSanto, Howe Library (802) 656-5728 [email protected]; Prudence Doherty, Silver Special Collections Library (802) 656-2138 [email protected].
Long Trail Photographs
Animals Along the Long Trail - Jacquelyn Arndt
Discovering Objects on the Long Trail - Cassie Lance
Let's Get Packing! - Hannah Trieb
Packing Up and Adding Up - Danielle E. Hall-Potvin
Piecing It All Together - Hannah Trieb
What To Take up Maxwell’s Mountain? - Jacquelyn Arndt
Porter C. Thayer Photographs
Calculating Travel Time - Then and Now - Hannah Pelkey
Examining Asher's Mill - Alexander Ostrum
Maple Sugaring - James Caswell
Sherman's Store - Williamsville, VT - James Caswell
Vermonters in the Civil War
Civil War Hard Bread - Carly Edelstein
Civil War Slang - Kristen Couillard
Diseases in the Civil War - Kathryn Seelen
Graphing Text with Civil War Letters - Kathryn Seelen
Mapping Fort Monroe - Carly Edelstein